Dr. Phil & Dr. Oz Discuss How Martha Stewart's Recipe For Reversing Diabetes Has Gone Viral

Health – Published on

Martha Stewart made headlines everywhere with after revealing a permanent cure for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in an exclusive interview with Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. While America is applauding her latest creation, big pharmaceutical companies have already begun digging for a lawsuit.

The renowned doctors were startled by her recipe for reversing diabetes, a project she had been working on for years has finally come to fruition, and its users could not be more excited about it.  

Here is what Martha Stewart had to say: "Most people have heard of cannabinoid oil, commonly known as CBD. However, not everyone knows how it works. Many older men and women see CBD as having hallucinogenic effects like marijuana or 'weed.' This causes a negative stigma. This CBD actually has no THC whatsoever, which means there is absolutely no "high" or negative health effects; It is completely different and 100% legal. But there was still a huge problem with the CBD on the market...

Although many companies have been selling CBD, 98% of the CBD products we found were not potent enough to have any real, life-changing results. So I hired a team of expert doctors and scientists to find a solution to this problem. What they found was 10x better than what we ever imagined."

"CBD is hands-down the most health-conscious solution for reversing diabetes and eliminating chronic pain, everyone over 55 should be incorporating CBD into their daily regime." -Martha Stewart

After Martha's announcement, she received calls from Pfizer (Advil) and Johnson & Johnson (Tylenol) offering to immediately buy out her new powerful Gummy line. She immediately fired back "I plan to provide every man and woman in America with the opportunity to permanently reverse Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, so that they can live a healthier life without the use of harmful drugs that are peddled by greedy doctors. If that comes at the fall of a big name pharmaceutical company, so be it!"

While these companies are on-edge, the new product has been flying off the shelves. It sold out within 15 minutes of its online launch and it seems the early users across country just can’t get enough of the benefits and results.

This breakthrough diabetes cure is called Wave CBD Gummies . The team of hand-picked doctors and scientist spent the past three years developing a product that has proven to reverse diabetes in weeks, and has helped 1000's ditch the insulin and live a healthier, pain free live with more energy.

The highly-regarded healthcare magazine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, even stated:

“Early users of Wave CBD Gummies are able to get off insulin completely while maintaining normal A1C levels. We did not know it was possible to reverse Diabetes until we did human trials with Wave CBD Gummies . It’s obviously a much cheaper, and safer all natural alternative to insulin and because of this pharmaceutical companies are finding it impossible to keep patients using their expensive medications.”

Reviews have started coming in from all over America. Many of the early trial users who used the product reversed their diabetes in less than 2 weeks. They didn't blink twice when we followed up to get more details:

Martha's new line has been a huge hit amongst its users who got to try the initial launch of Wave CBD Gummies .

Image result for cbd testimonial

Erik & Claudia Johnson

“My wife and I used to struggle with bad anxiety and depression, and I had Type 2 Diabetes. We tried everything. We decided to reach out, and got a free  sample of Wave CBD Gummies and the product is a miracle worker. My diabetes is GONE and so is our anxiety & depression. We couldn't be happier!”

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Wayne Stodholm

“I decided to send in my review because I have NEVER found anything that was able to help me get off the insulin like Wave CBD Gummies did. I thought diabetes with old age was inevitable, but after using it for only 12 days I've completely stopped taking insulin!"

What's The Secret!?

The potency of Wave CBD Gummies can be attributed to its method of extraction from the hemp plant. The patented technology used by the team of doctors and scientists who formulated the unique blend allows for a much higher concentration of the active ingredient, cannabidiol, to be extracted.

Wave CBD Gummies has been found to have a positive impact on key body functions including - neurological, physical, and psychological.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Reverse Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Reduces Chronic Pain
  • Supports Joint Health
  • Reduces Anxiety & Depression
  • Reduces Headaches & Migraines
  • Lowers Blood Sugar Levels Naturally
  • Supports Cognitive Health & Prevents Dementia
  • Antioxidant Support

In Dr. Oz most-watched episode of 2022, Martha Stewart gifted the audience with Wave CBD Gummies and the feedback was spectacular.

Since then, Truth CBD has cultivated a massive following that regularly orders the products.

"Martha’s new line has been a huge hit among the Hollywood stars who got to try the initial launch of Wave CBD Gummies ."

Sam Elliott

“The absolute cure for diabetes.. This miracle makes a long day of filming much more enjoyable. Every night that I use Wave CBD Gummies I wake up with energy, and I havent used insulin in months. I feel better than I did 20 years ago. I can’t believe it.”

Garth Brooks

“It’s hard to believe, but my chronic back pain has vanished! After a week of using Wave CBD Gummies I was able to stop taking over the counter and prescription medications–and my lower back feels fine.”

Dr. Oz & Martha Stewart have a Special Offer Just For You!

While Wave CBD Gummies is selling out everywhere, Martha Stewart didn’t want her fans to miss out on experiencing the benefits of these CBD Gummies for themselves.

Dr. Oz & Martha Stewart are offering our lucky readers an exclusive chance to try out Wave CBD Gummies for 50% off!

While everywhere online is completely out of stock, Martha Stewart has set aside a small quantity of Wave CBD Gummies for promotional offers. There’s no need to rush out to shops or wait in lines. You can get your own bottle to try out RISK-FREE from the comfort of your own home.

If you want to finally be free from Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes while fostering a much happier mood, make sure you use Wave CBD Gummies every day as directed. This product is designed to give you incredible results.

Due to high demand and limited supply, you’ll need to act now to take advantage!

Image result for dr phil"I personally guarantee my CBD gummies will help reverse your diabetes just like it has 99% of my customers who take 2 gummies every day." - Martha Stewart

Important Update:

6 RISK-FREE Bottles Remaining
Offer Ends:

Take advantage of this limited time offer while supplies last and get FREE bottles on multi-bottle orders!

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  Natalie Myers  
My mother tried this. She has been struggling with diabetes all her life. A single oil daily and she says blood sugar is now much lower!
Like Reply 19 hours ago

  Clifton Carter  
Thanks for sharing this, I didn't order the free sample last time they had this promo. I'm not going to miss it again! :D
LikeReply 13 minutes ago

  James Patelino  
Damn! I keep seeing reports about these CBD Gummies. They were initially sold-out when I first tried to order. So glad they finally re-opened it back to the public!
LikeReply  37 minutes ago

  Lucas Gordon  
Totally worked for my chronic lower back pain! It was easy enough and I just want others to know when something works.
LikeReply an hour ago

  Josh Ramirez  
I've tried everything to quit smoking, and this CBD is the only thing that has stopped the urge to. And it's more natural than what my doctor wants to give me.
LikeReply 2 hours ago

  Jennifer Carter  
I ordered a bottle for my husband and I really can`t wait for delivery. I am so up for trying anything at this point! He's had back pain for months 
LikeReply 32 minutes ago

  Ankit Patel  
Been struggling with bad migraines for years. Taking just 1 oil daily really helps me.
LikeReply 2 hours ago

  Kevin Clemmons  
So let's be honest. I have severe anxiety and depression issues which has gone on my whole life. I have been prescribed dozens of different meds to help with it but nothing has. Also, the side effects were sometimes as bad or worse than my symptoms. I'm ready to try something all-natural.
LikeReply19 27 minutes ago

  Jennifer Stucko  
I've tried it and it works! The free trial was amazing!
LikeReply19 15 minutes ago